Наш центр в СМИ
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Чтобы договориться об интервью, пишите руководителю Центра для иностранцев Южноморавского края Ленке Герчиковой по адресу hercikova.lenka@jmk.cz.
СМИ о нас:
KAM v Brně: A Year after the Outbreak of the War in Ukraine
"More than a year has passed since the outbreak of the military conflict in Ukraine. From day one, the staff of the JMK Centre for Foreigners...
ЕщеKAM v Brně: Czech Courses for Seniors: You Can Learn a Language at Any Age
"Entire families came to us in the refugee waves, including Ukrainians in retirement age. FOr, seniors, it is oftentimes a great challenge to...
ЕщеZprávy z Moravy: Ombudsman: Pomoc lidem z Ukrajiny byla v prvním roce války neuvěřitelná
"Účastníci debaty s ombudsmanem, která se konala k prvnímu výročí začátku ruské agrese na Ukrajině, se shodli, že pomoc lidem zasaženým válkou...
ЕщеKAM v Brně: Alena Krajčí: Diversity Creates New Opportunities
"We talked with Alena Krejčí, the director of the South Moravian Centre for Foreigners, about the changes, dreams, and about how the Czechs'...
ЕщеKAM v Brně: New Campaing Shares Stories of Foreigners in Brno
The new campaign of the Centre for Foreigners titled Our Compatriots shares stories of foreigners who have decided to leave their homes and move...
ЕщеKAM v Brně: A Place that Reminds Me of My Homeland
"It's an adventure to move to a different country. But it's a downright challenge to find your home within in a foreign land. Not everyone can...
ЕщеKAM v Brně: Skill Centre Helps Foreigners on Their Journey to Better Jobs
"Maryna lived a relatively calm life in a smaller Ukrainian town where she worked as a nurse at the local hospital. Her life was suddenly turned...
ЕщеKAM v Brně: Learn Czech Online and For Free
"Do you want to improve your Czech? Do you have trouble understanding your Czech colleagues? Do you want to communicate at the store or in a...