“Welcome to the Czech Republic” (ENG) (The course is full!)
Course “Welcome to the Czech Republic”
We invite you to participate in an integration course in which you will get all the required information about life in the Czech Republic.
During this course, you will receive information and printed materials about:
- Legislation related to your stay.
- Education and recognition of your previous education.
- Employment and business opportunities.
- Health and social insurance issues.
- Contacts to lawyers and social workers; integration centers and non-profit organizations providing free service.
Do not rely on second-hand information and not pay fees unnecessarily!
Interpretation will be provided.
WHERE? Centre for foreigners JMK, Mezírka 1 (6th floor), Brno — střed
Date: 5th October 2019, from 9 AM to 5 PM
Registration is open from 5. 10. 2019 0:18