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OPEN CZECH COURSES — Searching for housing

The dura­tion of the lessons is 2.5 hours.
Required lev­el of Czech lan­guage is at least A1 and ypou have to be non-EU for­eign­er with legal res­i­dence longer than 90 days. Max­i­mal capac­i­ty of course is 25 peo­ple.


1) Trav­el­ling – 12.10.2018

2) Cook­ing + shop­ping list, ingre­di­ents – 19.10.2018

3) Cul­ture – 26.10.2018

4) Author­i­ties + post office – 2.11.2018

5) Czech + Brno (leg­ends, his­to­ry)– 9.11.2018

6) Doc­tor  – 16.11.2018

7) Restau­rant– 23.11.2018

8) School  – 30.11.2018

9) Search­ing for a job – 7.12.2018

10) Christ­mas and Hol­i­days– 14.12.2018

11) Search­ing for hous­ing  – 11.1.2019

12) Top­ic cho­sen by stu­dents – 18.1.2019