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Printing my own T‑shirt

Juliána Chomová

We look for­ward to see­ing you on Octo­ber 13 at 12 AM at the Malá Ameri­ka.

Address: Hybešo­va 1, BRNO

Bring you shirt that no longer pleas­es you! You will cut your own pat­tern and self-print it on a shirt or a tote. The work­shop focus­es on the tech­nique of print­ing from above using soft foram and a spoon with qual­i­ty print­ing colours. All the tools and colours are pro­vid­ed dur­ing the work­shop and blank shirts and bags will be avail­able on sale for those who didn´t bring their own. Par­tic­i­pants are wel­come to bring all kinds of old tex­tile with­out long hair or a struc­ture.

The work­shop will be instruct­ed by Juliá­na Chomová, an ilus­tra­tor, com­ic author and graph­ic artist. She and her part­ner estab­lished a domes­tic silk-screen print­ing work­shop called Fat­cat­press and Juliá­na also col­lab­o­rates with Kud­la­press, and inde­pen­dent riso­graph ori­ent­ed pub­lish­er.

Appli­ca­tion pos­si­ble till 10 oct at: Hana Plo­chová,, +420 775 144 486



The activ­i­ty is cov­ered by the poject “Strat­e­gy of the Inte­gra­tion of For­eign­ers in the City of Brno II”, financed from the state bud­get of the Min­istry of the Inte­ri­or of the Czech Repub­lic for expen­di­tures real­ized with­in the projects of munic­i­pal­i­ties to sup­port the inte­gra­tion of for­eign­ers at the local lev­el in 2019.