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Open czech courses — Interests and free time

Interests and free time — 4.3. 14:00–16:30

Do you paint, pho­to­graph or knit? Do you have any inter­est­ing hob­by? Come and share it with us! We will talk about where we can spend our free time in Brno and where we can get ideas for new activ­i­ties.

Next lessons:

2. (11.3. 2020) Ser­vices (How to make an appoint­ment with a hair­dress­er? What to do if some­thing breaks at home? Are you sick and want to bring your shop­ping or lunch?) where to find them.)

3. (18.3.2020) Media (What news­pa­pers and mag­a­zines are you read­ing? Where do you get infor­ma­tion about what’s hap­pen­ing in the world? Do you lis­ten to radio or read news on the Inter­net? We lis­ten to the news togeth­er and dis­cuss the news of the week.)

There will be 12 lessons in total and will take place every Wednes­day from 2 pm to 4:30 pm.