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Did you know we have been here with you for 10 years now?

That is true, the Cen­ter for For­eign­ers was estab­lished on April 1, 2009 and we will cel­e­brate our tenth birth­day in less than a month.

We have decid­ed to open the cen­ter and pre­pare exhi­bi­tion of our ser­vices that you can try on this day. There will be a birth­day par­ty and a var­ied enter­tain­ment pro­gram as well.


Detailed pro­gram

Com­mu­ni­ty Room:

- 9:30–10:30 — open Course for Moth­ers with Chil­dren (A2-B1 lev­el of moth­ers)

- 10:30–12:00 — open yoga

- 12:00–14:30 — open Course B2

- 14:30–16:30 — culi­nary work­shop

- 17:00 — 17:45 — 10 years cel­e­bra­tion + cake  + toast

                          vernissage of pic­tures of our clients Valenti­na Kout­ná and Lenka Apos­tol

                          – vernissage of pho­tos of our client Natalia Jagel­s­ka “Ruská zima”


- 13: 00–17: 00 — Mak­ing Spring Wreaths


Class­room 1:

- 15: 00–17: 30 — Open Course B1.1


Class­room 2:

- 15: 30–17: 00 — open chil­dren’s course (10–14 years)


Art­Bar Druhý Pád:

- 18:30 — 20:00 — Pub Quiz for pre-reg­is­tered teams and indi­vid­u­als (reg­is­tra­tion soon via our site)