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OPEN CZECH COURSES — Nature and Ecology

Nature and Ecol­o­gy

The dura­tion of the lessons is 2.5 hours.
Required lev­el of Czech lan­guage is at least A1 and you have to be non-EU for­eign­er with legal res­i­dence longer than 90 days. Max­i­mal capac­i­ty of course is 25 peo­ple.

Top­ics (Feb­ru­ary — May 2019)

1) We learn lan­guages ​​— 8. 2.

2) Ser­vices — 15. 2.

(Feb­ru­ary 22 — will not)

3) Inter­ests — 1. 3.

4) For­mal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion — 8. 3.

5) Slang, words and gen­er­al Czech — 15. 3.

6) Famous Czech per­son­al­i­ties — 22. 3.

7) Adver­tis­ing and Media — 29. 3.

8) East­er — 5. 4.

(April 12 — will not)

(April 19 — feast)

9) Fash­ion-26. 4.

10) Criminality‑3. 5.

11) Stages of Life- 17. 5.

12) Nature and Ecol­o­gy — 24.5.