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Open czech course — Travelling


At this les­son you’ll learn how to find your way around in the city, we’ll talk about your hol­i­days, and in the end we’ll role play sit­u­a­tions at a trav­el agency and cre­ate a trav­el adver­tise­ment.  

Oth­er lec­tures:

  1. (29.10.) — trav­el­ling
  2. (5.11.) — shop­ping
  3. (12.11.) — Czech repub­lic, Brno
  4. (19.11.) — health, health­style, at doc­tor
  5. (26.11.) — work,  employ­ment
  6. (3.12.) — at restau­rant
  7. (10.12.) — at post, on office
  8. (17.12.) — we are cel­e­brat­ing (hol­i­days, grat­u­la­tions)
  9. (21.1.) — cul­ture
  10. (29.1.) — sport and games