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Largo Desolato (BEST divadlo)

Dear clients, 
The Best divad­lo is a plea­sure to invite you to the sec­ond show of the 2019/2020 sea­son. They are excit­ed to announce that to cel­e­brate the 30th anniver­sary of the Vel­vet Rev­o­lu­tion they will be play­ing Largo Des­o­la­to by Vaclav Hav­el, trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish by Tom Stop­pard.

The pre­miere takes place on Novem­ber 19th in the Brno music club Šelep­ka and the cur­tain time is at 19:30. The re-runs are on Novem­ber 20th, 24th, 25th and 26th.

Please see the fol­low­ing link to pur­chase tick­ets via GoOut:

The Face­book event can be found here: