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Garden party in Löw Beer Villa

The Cen­ter for For­eign­ers JMK would love to invite you to the “Gar­den Par­ty in Vil­la Löw Beer”. The cel­e­bra­tion will be held on the occa­sion of the 10th anniver­sary of the Cen­ter.

Come and enjoy a relax­ing after­noon in one of the most beau­ti­ful gar­dens in Brno. We have pre­pared a var­ied pro­gram for you.

  • Sam­ba and fla­men­co dance work­shops
  • Cir­cus activ­i­ties for kids and adults
  • Tast­ing of non-tra­di­tion­al fruit
  • Pho­to exhi­bi­tion
  • Piano per­for­mance
  • Culi­nary work­shop
  • and a lit­tle sur­prise for every­one.

We look for­ward to see­ing you on Sep­tem­ber 27 at 4 PM at the Löw Beer Vil­la.

address: Drob­ného 22, Brno