
coordinator: Jitka Koudelková



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Everything You Need to Know about Life for LGBTQ+ Foreigners


Are you interested in the legal status of queer people in the Czech Republic? Are you a member of the LGBTQ+ community? Join us for a lecture focused on how incoming legislation will affect life for the LGBTQ+ community! 

Program Highlights: 

  • Registered Partnership: Learn how the current registered partnership system works and what changes are expected from January 1, 2025. Discover the differences in the rights and responsibilities of partners towards each other and the state. 
  • Transition: Find out about recent updates to the legal procedure for gender transition in the Czech Republic and what will happen when these changes take effect in mid 2025. 
  • Other Topics: During the Q&A session, we can also address other issues such as hate speech, personal protection, changes in blood donation rules for gay men, and much more. 

This lecture is intended for all foreigners living in the South Moravian Region, whether you are an EU citizen or from non-EU countries. While primarily intended for those from the queer community, it is also open to outsiders who are interested in the topics.  

The lecture will be conducted in English. 

We look forward to your participation! 

Project financing: "The co-financing of the main activities of the Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian region in 2024" is financed from the 2024 budget of the South Moravian region.

Basic information

Date: 23. 7. 2024
Time: 18:00

Registration is open from 10. 7. 2024 0:00 until 21. 7. 2024 23:59


Fill out the form in Latin letters.