Easter goodies
Come along to prepare some traditional Czech Easter meals!
15th of April at Lipka — facility Kamenná (Kamenná 20, Brno) from 3:30 pm till 6:30 pm.
Eggs, scone, lamb and stuffings are just like whip for Easter. But there is much more traditional Easter dishes in Czech republic.
Preparations for Easter begins right after the 40-day Lent, which ends this year with the so-called Ash Wednesday, April 17th. After it comes a Maundy Thursday (in czech “zelený”=green), Good Friday (in czech “velký”=big), Holy Saturday (in czech “bílá”=white) and Easter Sunday, and then the most-anticipated Easter Monday. For all these days, people have had well-defined meals in the past.
Are you interested in more about Easter dishes? Take a look at this website, from which is also the passage above: http://www.milujivelikonoce.cz/cs/temata/show/clanky/168-velikonocni-hodovani/
And there are some recepies in english: https://news.expats.cz/czech-cooking/easter-baking-mazanec-beranek-nadivka/
Registration is open from 15. 4. 2019 15:30