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Easter goodies

Come along to pre­pare some tra­di­tion­al Czech East­er meals!

15th of April at Lip­ka — facil­i­ty Kamen­ná (Kamen­ná 20, Brno) from 3:30 pm till 6:30 pm.

Eggs, scone, lamb and stuff­in­gs are just like whip for East­er. But there is much more tra­di­tion­al East­er dish­es in Czech repub­lic.

Prepa­ra­tions for East­er begins right after the 40-day Lent, which ends this year with the so-called Ash Wednes­day, April 17th. After it comes a Maun­dy Thurs­day (in czech “zelený”=green), Good Fri­day (in czech “velký”=big), Holy Sat­ur­day (in czech “bílá”=white) and East­er Sun­day, and then the most-antic­i­pat­ed East­er Mon­day. For all these days, peo­ple have had well-defined meals in the past.

Are you inter­est­ed in more about East­er dish­es? Take a look at this web­site, from which is also the pas­sage above:

And there are some recepies in eng­lish:

Registration is open from 15. 4. 2019 15:30


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