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Czech E‑learning Courses SPRING 2022

Dear clients,

We would like to inform you that on March 28th we will open e‑learning Czech lan­guage cours­es for you. 

Cours­es and reg­is­tra­tion are avail­able on our e‑learning web­site:

Reg­is­tra­tion will take place from 14.3.2022 at 18:00 at this address:

Please read the reg­is­tra­tion instruc­tions here: Instruc­tions for reg­is­tra­tion

What are e‑learning cours­es?

E‑learning cours­es include: read­ing, lis­ten­ing, inter­ac­tive com­pre­hen­sion exer­cis­es, inter­ac­tive gram­mar exer­cis­es, writ­ing and speak­ing prac­tice.

 Each course con­tains 16 lessons (2 lessons per week). After the dead­line, the tutor will give you feed­back on your speak­ing or writ­ing. The oth­er parts are eval­u­at­ed by the sys­tem itself.

What cours­es are we open­ing and where should you sign up?

We are open­ing 8 cours­es for you. In the fol­low­ing lev­els: 

  • A1.1
  • A1.2
  • A1.3
  • A1.4
  • A2.1 
  • A2.2
  • B1.1
  • B1.2

On the e‑learning web­site, you can look at the course syl­labi (infor­ma­tion about the course) in Czech or Eng­lish and decide accord­ing­ly. You can find the syl­labi here

You can enrol in an e‑learning course even if you attend a nor­mal gram­mar course. 


If you have any ques­tions, you can con­tact our coor­di­na­tor at