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CZECH COURSES ON-LINE: A1.1, A1.2, A1.3, A1.4, A2.1,A2.2 and B1.1

What is an E‑learning course?

E‑learning cours­es are on-line and take place through our sys­tem devel­oped on the Moo­dle plat­form. In e‑learning, there is no life meet­ing with a lec­tur­er. How­ev­er, the lec­tur­er is with you in the course and helps you in your stud­ies.

The course includes:

1) Expla­na­tion of vocab­u­lary and gram­mar (in Eng­lish);

2) Inter­ac­tive exer­cis­es: read­ing, writ­ing, lis­ten­ing, gram­mar, vocab­u­lary. These exer­cis­es are done so that the sys­tem con­trols every­thing itself.

3) Writ­ing and speak­ing tasks cor­rect­ed by your tutor. A dead­line is always select­ed for these tasks. You must com­plete assign­ments before that dead­line so that the lec­tor can review them and send you feed­back.

The course does not include live-online meet­ings with the rest of the class!

Course dates: start 8.3.2021, end: 18.3.2021. The cours­es have 16 lessons.

E‑learning course reg­is­tra­tion: Sun­day 28.2.2021 at 20:00

If you do not have already, cre­ate a new account – cours­es run on new domain. Reg­is­tra­tion will then be eas­i­er and faster.

Cours­es A1.1, A1.2, A1.3 and A1.4 have a capac­i­ty of 20 peo­ple, cours­es A2.1 and A2.2 15 peo­ple and B1.1 10 peo­ple. You can­not reg­is­trate in e‑learning course, which you already com­plet­ed. 


How to choose a course?

We are still work­ing on our cours­es. To help you know which one to choose, here’s a lit­tle guide.


1. If you do not know any­thing, select course A1.1.

2. If you know some­thing, but are with us for the first time, look at the e‑learning site (here), there are syl­labi of the cours­es and choose the one that suits you.

3. If you have com­plet­ed Begin­ners 1, select A1.2 or A1.3 (see syl­labus) 4. If you have com­plet­ed Begin­ners 2, select A1.3 or A1.4 (see syl­labus) 5. If you have com­plet­ed A1.2, select A1.4 or A2.1 (see syl­labus) 6. If you com­plet­ed A2.1, select A2.2. 7. If you com­plet­ed A2.2, select B1.1. 8. Do not select a course you have already tak­en or low­er. Thank you.

In order to par­tic­i­pate in the course, it is nec­es­sary to be our client — you have to be in Czech Repub­lic and have legal res­i­dence at least for 90 days.