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Czech courses for children — Slavic

Dear clients,

in Octo­ber 2019 we open two cours­es for chil­dren. The cours­es are designed for chil­dren aged 10–14. They are intend­ed espe­cial­ly for chil­dren who came to the Czech Repub­lic in the last year and who do not know Czech at all or lit­tle. We open two cours­es, one for the Non-slav­ics, one for the Slav­ics.

Course for chil­dren (begin­ners) Slav­ics: TU, 15: 30–17: 00, begin­ning 1. 10. 2019 (4 months)

If you have younger chil­dren or chil­dren who already have a bet­ter Czech lan­guage knowl­edge but still need a course, write to us and we will try to open a spe­cial course for them. E‑mails to:

Reg­is­tra­tion for cours­es here:

Registration is open from 1. 10. 2019 15:30


Fill out the form in Latin letters.