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Battle of Brno — A walk through Brno with logical puzzles

112 days of the Swedish siege of Brno in 3 hours. 

Or can you do it faster?

In coop­er­a­tion with Cryp­to­ma­nia we open for you short­er Win­ter ver­sion of Bet­tle of Brno log­i­cal walk throug Brno. 

For who: The game is designed for 2–5‑member teams. It was cre­at­ed pri­mar­i­ly for adult play­ers, but chil­dren (10+) are also able to par­tic­i­pate in par­tial tasks. The game is also suit­ed for teams with stroller, but it requires light help from team­mates — you will meet a few steps along the way. Lev­el of the game (the game is a good start in a world of cipher games, for the more expe­ri­enced play­ers serves as a nice warmup or a walk).

Open: The game is open on work­days from 10:00 from 20th till 29th Jan­u­ary (you need to take start­ing pack­age from Cen­tre for for­eign­ers), we rec­co­mand to start till 16:30, ide­al­ly as soon as pos­si­ble.

Where: Start is at Cen­tre for for­eign­ers, Mezír­ka 1, Brno (trail is long 3,5 km).

Equipem­ment:You need a ful­ly charged smart­phone with inter­net access and a bar­code scan­ner, pen­cil and paper. You can use a flash­light or a black fix, but it is not nec­es­sary.


What more

Tomor­row we hit the city for the last time. Before the bells at Petrov ring noon, Brno must be ours. If not, we will retreat.” – thus spoke the Swedish Gen­er­al Torsten­son in the spring of 1645, when he had unsuc­cess­ful­ly besieged Brno for 4 long months. And that was after he thought he would sew up a vic­to­ry with­in a week. Indeed, in the fortress of Špil­berk in Brno there were 400 sol­diers and he arrived with 18 thou­sand! The con­quest of Brno meant very much to him – it was the only thing in the path to besieg­ing Vien­na.

How did this great bat­tle take place? Who stood up to this Nordic leader? What was he about, where did he live and what trap did he think up for the Swedes? And why, then, does the bell on Petrov still ring noon at 11 am? His­to­ry wrapped in ciphers, log­ic tasks and hid­ing places are await­ing you on the trail Bat­tle of Brno.

Reg­is­ter today! (one per­son per team is enough)

Registration is open from 10. 12. 2020 0:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.