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Are you preparing for the Czech language exam in order to gain state citizenship of the Czech Republic?

Dear clients,

we invite you to the Are you prepar­ing for the Czech lan­guage exam in order to gain state cit­i­zen­ship of the Czech Repub­lic? webi­nar, which will take place on Thurs­day 21.10.2021 at 18:00. The webi­nar will be con­duct­ed in Czech. 

At the webi­nar you will learn: basic infor­ma­tion about the exam, i.e. when and where they take place, how much do they cost, what are the require­ments for pass­ing the exam, where can you find addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion and answers to your ques­tions.

You will receive the link to con­nect through the ZOOM appli­ca­tion thir­ty min­utes before the begin­ning of the webi­nar.

Please fill in the reg­is­tra­tion form (below on this page).

If you still have not filled in the reg­is­tra­tion into the project this year (from 1.1.2021), please do so here

Provoz cen­tra pro ciz­ince JMK 2021–2022” reg­is­tra­tion no. AMIF/28/04, which is financed by the Min­istry of the Inte­ri­or of the Czech Repub­lic, the Depart­ment of Euro­pean Union Funds in the Field of Home Affairs, respon­si­ble author­i­ty for the Asy­lum, Migra­tion and Inte­gra­tion Fund 

Registration is open from 15. 10. 2021 0:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.