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Czech language course in BLANSKO

The Cen­ter for For­eign­ers JMK opens Czech lan­guage course in BLANSKO.

Course will take place twice a week on Mon­day and Thurs­day from 15:00–17:30 in Blan­sko, the loca­tion and exact days will be spec­i­fied. The course is intend­ed for Slav­ics (Ukraini­ans, Rus­sians, Serbs, etc.) begin­ners. The course will start in Octo­ber 2020. If you are inter­est­ed in a Czech course, reg­is­ter here, we will con­tact you. The capac­i­ty of the course is 15 peo­ple.

Registration is open from 15. 9. 2020 0:00


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