Useful links, documents, guides

Information about the Czech Republic

Residence in the Czech Republic

Depart­ment of Res­i­dence of For­eign­ers South Mora­vian Region (“OAMP MOI”)

Depart­ment Brno: dis­tricts Brno-měs­to, Brno-venkov, Vyškov, Blan­sko, Bře­clav, Zno­j­mo and Hodonín
address: Tuřan­ka 1554/115b, 627 00 Brno
Tel .: Tel.: 974 801 801 (incl. Tele­phone appoint­ment)
Office Hours:
Mon, Wed: 8.00 — 17.00
Tue, Thu: 8.00 — 14.00

For­eign Police (South Mora­vian Region)

For­eign Police Depart­ment
Kouni­co­va 24 611 32 Brno
tel .: 974 621 829 fax: 974 621 828

Depart­ment of Res­i­den­tial Agen­das Brno
Cejl 62 b 602 00 Brno
tel .: 974 628 131 fax: 974 628 140

Depart­ment of Res­i­den­tial Agen­das — work­place Zno­j­mo
Pražská 59 669 02 Zno­j­mo
tel .: 974 641 821 fax: 974 641 825

Depart­ment of Res­i­den­tial Agen­das — work­place Bře­clav
Under the cas­tle 922 691 42 Valtice
tel .: 974 632 831 fax: 974 633 858

Impor­tant con­tacts in the regions of South Moravia

Employment, business

  • Search for vacan­cies — Min­istry of Labor and Social Affairs
  • Online job search guide for for­eign­ers
  • You can ver­i­fy whether the employ­ment agency that is inter­est­ed in you is accred­it­ed in the Czech Repub­lic here

Education and the educational system in the Czech Republic

Healthcare and health insurance

    List of health insur­ance com­pa­nies pro­vid­ing pub­lic health insur­ance

    How to find a com­mer­cial health insur­ance com­pa­ny that also ensures for­eign­ers from third coun­tries? Offi­cial health insur­ance cal­cu­la­tor for for­eign­ers 2020:

    Social system and social security


    Apart­ments and hous­es for rent and sale can be found on relat­ed web­sites. Many offers can be found on Face­book, or con­tact a real estate agent or oth­er com­mer­cial enti­ties.

    You will find basic infor­ma­tion on hous­ing in the Czech Repub­lic here.

    Pre­sen­ta­tion from socio­course “Bydlení v Brně”,,,

    How to learn Czech

    Important links related to the issues of foreigners

    Asylum, subsidiary protection

    Organizations helping foreigners in the South Moravian Region

    NGOs operating in the country

    Facebook groups — you can find information for foreigners in the city of Brno and the South Moravian Region here: