Information about the Czech Republic
- How do I do this? Welcome to the website of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Czech Ministry of the Interior!
- A set of videos created with the support of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic called “Next stop the Czech Republic”
- Publication “Next stop the Czech Republic” (also in Czech, Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic, French, Mongolian, Serbian, Spanish and Vietnamese)
- Constitution of the Czech Republic (Only in Czech)
- Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
- Public Administration Portal of the Czech Republic — Section “Invitation to visit the Czech Republic”
- Guide for foreign nationals in Brno (MMB)
Residence in the Czech Republic
- Website of the Ministry of the Interior — You will find current information on residence permits, visas, rights and obligations of foreigners, and others here.
- Act on the Residence of Foreigners (–326) (Only in Czech)
- Website of the Integration Centers in the Czech Republic ->
- General information for foreigners living in the Czech Republic ->
- Introduction to the individual types of residence
Department of Residence of Foreigners South Moravian Region (“OAMP MOI”)
Department Brno: districts Brno-město, Brno-venkov, Vyškov, Blansko, Břeclav, Znojmo and Hodonín
address: Tuřanka 1554/115b, 627 00 Brno
Tel .: Tel.: 974 801 801 (incl. Telephone appointment)
Office Hours:
Mon, Wed: 8.00 — 17.00
Tue, Thu: 8.00 — 14.00
Foreign Police (South Moravian Region)
Foreign Police Department
Kounicova 24 611 32 Brno
tel .: 974 621 829 fax: 974 621 828
Department of Residential Agendas Brno
Cejl 62 b 602 00 Brno
tel .: 974 628 131 fax: 974 628 140
Department of Residential Agendas — workplace Znojmo
Pražská 59 669 02 Znojmo
tel .: 974 641 821 fax: 974 641 825
Department of Residential Agendas — workplace Břeclav
Under the castle 922 691 42 Valtice
tel .: 974 632 831 fax: 974 633 858
Important contacts in the regions of South Moravia
Employment, business
- Search for vacancies — Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
- Online job search guide for foreigners
- You can verify whether the employment agency that is interested in you is accredited in the Czech Republic here
Education and the educational system in the Czech Republic
- The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- Publication Education in the Czech Republic
- Nostrification and education recognition
- Department of Education (South Moravian Region) (Only in Czech)
- META, o.p.s. — A non-profit organization that supports foreigners in education and work integration
- Masaryk University and Recognition of Education at MU
- Brno University of Technology and Recognition of Education at BUT
- Mendel University and Recognition of Education at MENDELU
- University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Recognition of Education at VFU
- Enrolment in Kindergarten Brno (CZ, ENG) + Info sheet Mš EN (1)
- Enrolment in primary school Brno (CZ, ENG) + Info sheet ZŠ EN
Healthcare and health insurance
- Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
- Project MyHealth — The main aim of MyHealth is to improve access to healthcare for newly arrived vulnerable immigrants and refugees (VMR).
List of health insurance companies providing public health insurance
- Všeobecná zdravotní pojišťovna
- Vojenská zdravotní pojišťovna (Only in Czech)
- Česká průmyslová pojišťovna (Only in Czech)
- Oborová zdravotní pojišťovna zaměstnanců bank, pojišťoven a stavebnictví
- Zaměstnanecká pojišťovna škoda
- Zdravotní pojišťovna ministerstva vnitra
- Revírní bratrská pokladna, zdravotní pojišťovna
- Health insurance office — counselling
How to find a commercial health insurance company that also ensures foreigners from third countries? Official health insurance calculator for foreigners 2020:
Social system and social security
- Czech Social Security Administration + Contacts for individual workplaces in the South Moravian Region
- Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
- Handbook of the European Commission „Your social security rights in the Czech Republic“
- Labor Office Brno city:
- Labor Office Brno countryside:
- Forum about changes in the law Lex Ukraine V
Apartments and houses for rent and sale can be found on related websites. Many offers can be found on Facebook, or contact a real estate agent or other commercial entities.
You will find basic information on housing in the Czech Republic here.
Presentation from sociocourse “Bydlení v Brně”,,, …
How to learn Czech
- Examination of Czech for permanent residence and citizenship
- Portal about the Czech language (a tool for correct writing, declension, conjugation, stylization, explanation of word meanings, synonyms of Czech words, diacritics, etc.)
- Explanatory dictionary with various languages and grammatical interpretation
- Links for self-study here
- Homeschooling here
Important links related to the issues of foreigners
- Ministry of the Interior — current information for foreigners
- h Republic
- Portal for discussion about migration in the Czech Republic and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
- European Union website on integration
- Association for Intercultural Work
Asylum, subsidiary protection
- Information about the Czech Republic, the procedure for granting international protection
- State_integration_programme_for beneficiaries of international protection
- Administration of Refugee Facilities of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic ->
- Asylum Act (Only in Czech)
- Website of the MOI and the MLSA about the integration of foreigners in the Czec
- State integration program –
Organizations helping foreigners in the South Moravian Region
- Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům (Organization for aid to refugees) + contact and opening hours of Brno’s office.
- Charita ČR + website of Diecézní charita Brno (Centrum Celsuz)
- Diakonie
- In Iustitia Legal help for victims of prejudiced violence. Office in Brno
- Vicinis
- Other commercial entities …
NGOs operating in the country
- Poradna pro integraci (Integration counselling)
- Sdružení pro integraci a migraci (Association for Integration and Migration)
- Portál pro kritickou diskuzi o migraci (Portal for critical discussion about migration)
- Centrum pro integraci cizinců Praha (Center for Integration of Foreigners Prague)
- Meta — An organization for young migrants
- InBáze – An organization helping migrants and their families
- Konsorcium nevládních organizací zabývajících se migranty (Consortium of non-governmental organizations dealing with migrants)
- and many others…
Facebook groups — you can find information for foreigners in the city of Brno and the South Moravian Region here:
- Centrum pro cizince JMK
- Life in Brno
- Living in Brno
- Brno Daily
- Foreigners in Brno in Brno
- Brno Expats Group
- English speaking mums in Brno and Kuřim
- Czech for foreigners in Brno for foreigners in Brno
- Foreign mothers and mothers to be in Brno