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We are Adding New Czech Courses for Children — Spring 2022.

Dear clients,

we would like to inform you that we will add new Czech courses for your children. The courses are intended for children and youth from 5 to 15 years of age and it is designed in a playful manner.

course duration: February 2022 — May 2022

format: Courses will take place in the Centre for Foreigners at Mezírka 1

The courses are free of charge, they are paid from projects by the European Union, the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic and the South Moravian Regional Office


  • Slavic preschoolers 5–7 years old, TUESDAY + THURSDAY, 16:00–17:30

  • Non-Slavic, lower secondary school (2. stupeň) 11–15 years old — beginners, TUESDAY, 16:00–17:30 

  • Non-Slav­ic, low­er sec­ondary school (2. stu­peň) 11–15 years old — inter­me­di­ate, TUESDAY: 14:40–16:00.


You can find the reg­is­tra­tion low­er on this page. We will con­tact you with­in 10 days.

In case of ques­tion, you can con­tact our coor­di­na­tor at

Registration is open from 7. 2. 2022 15:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

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