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Czech Summer Courses for Children and Teenagers (non-EU citizens)

Dear clients,

We are open­ing sum­mer cours­es for chil­dren in August.

Dura­tion: 15. August – 30. August 2022

Timetable:  3 hours per day, MON-FRI, 12 days in total 

For Who: Slav­ics, Non-Slav­ics.

  • The cours­es will take place in the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers JMK, at Mezír­ka 1, Brno
  • The capac­i­ty for each course is 12 chil­dren. It is required to reg­is­ter fur­ther down on this page. If you want to reg­is­ter more chil­dren, cre­at­ing a sep­a­rate reg­is­tra­tion for each child is nec­es­sary. 
  • Reg­is­tra­tion takes place from 5.6. at 18:00
  • 🇪🇺Infor­ma­tion for EU Cit­i­zens: Unfor­tu­nate­ly, due to changes in financ­ing we can­not accept any EU cit­i­zens into these cours­es.



Preschool age (5–7) – NON-SLAVICS: 9:00–11:30 (for chil­dren who are not attend­ing school yet)

Preschool age (5–7) – SLAVICS: 9:00–11:30 (for chil­dren who are not attend­ing school yet)

Young school age (6–10) – NON-SLAVICS: 9:00–11:30

Young school age (6–10) – SLAVICS: 9:00–11:30

Old­er school age (11–15) – NON-SLAVICS: 9:00–11:30

Old­er school age (11–15) – SLAVICS: 13:30-16:00

Teenagers  (15–18) – NON-SLAVICS: 12:00–14:30

Teenagers (15–18) – SLAVICS: 12:00–14:30


!IMPORTANT! There will be a meet­ing with par­ents and chil­dren before the start of the course. At the meet­ing you will find out infor­ma­tion about the course and you will obtain a list of things that the chil­dren will need. The meet­ings will take place in the list below: 

Preschool age (5–7) – NON-SLAVICS: 1. August  8:00–8:45

Preschool age (5–7) – SLAVICS: 1. August  9:00–9:45

Young school age (6–10) – NON-SLAVICS: 1. August  10:00–10:45

Young school age (6–10) – SLAVICS: 1. August  12:00–12:45

Old­er school age (11–15) – NON-SLAVICS:  1. August  13:00–13:45

Old­er school age (11–15) – SLAVICS: 2. August  8:00–8:45

Teenagers (15–18) – NON-SLAVICS: 2. August  9:00–9:45

Teenagers (15–18) – SLAVICS: 2. August  10:00–10:45

Projekt „Provoz centra pro cizince JMK 2022-2023“, reg. č. AMIF/31/02, je financován Evropskou unií v rámci národního programu Azylového, migračního a integračního fondu a rozpočtu Ministerstva vnitra České republiky.

Registration is open from 5. 6. 2022 18:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

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