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Intensive Czech course for EU citizens

The course is intend­ed for cit­i­zens of the Euro­pean Union (EU) and Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area (EEA) the Mem­ber States who live in the South Mora­vian Region. The course is not suit­able for com­plete begin­ners. It is nec­es­sary to have at least a basic knowl­edge of Czech at the lev­el of A1A2. The course will focus on con­ver­sa­tion in every­day sit­u­a­tions and the con­sol­i­da­tion of knowl­edge of gram­mar. The course will have 6 lessons and each les­son will be devot­ed to one top­ic, name­ly Shop­ping, Trav­el, At the Doc­tor’s, Czech Hol­i­days and Tra­di­tions, Czech Per­son­al­i­ties, and Job Search. 

Lev­el: A1–A2

When: 15–25 August 2022 

Day and time of class­es: Mon­day, Wednes­day, Thurs­day 9:30–12:45 

Class loca­tion: the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers of the South Mora­vian Region, Mezír­ka 1, 4th floor 

Teacher: Diana Šimonová

Registration is open from 17. 7. 2022 18:00


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