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Summer Czech language courses for EU citizens (REGISTRATION)

Dear clients and stu­dents,

This sum­mer we are open­ing four Czech lan­guage cours­es for you. We rec­om­mend the cours­es espe­cial­ly to those who com­plet­ed gram­mar cours­es in the spring. How­ev­er, we are also pleased to wel­come all those who have nev­er come to our cours­es before.

Experiential summer Czech language courses

EU A2 (13th July — 18th July, 9:00 — 12:30)
EU B1 (13th July — 18th July, 9:00 — 12:30)

And what can you look for­ward to? … Fun Czech, new friends, drink­ing beer, an inter­na­tion­al pic­nic, a trip, cof­fee time and lots of tips not only on how to learn lan­guages.


  • Cook­ing and beer
  • Lan­guages
  • Hol­i­days in the Czech Repub­lic
  • Nation­al­i­ties, us and them
  • Brno 2050
  • Trip to the Mora­vian Karst (whole-day trip)

Cours­es are free of charge any­way, the stu­dents have to pay the tick­ets on their own.

Short grammar summer courses

EU A1* (8 lessons, every Mon­day + Wednes­day; 17:30 — 20:00, start: July 1)
EU A2 (8 lessons, every Tues­day + Thurs­day; 18:00 — 20:30, start: July 2)

These cours­es are intend­ed for all those who are afraid that they will for­get Czech dur­ing the sum­mer. In addi­tion to gram­mar, you will main­ly prac­tice con­ver­sa­tion and meet new peo­ple.

* The course is not intend­ed for com­plete begin­ners. If you want to attend this course, you should know the fol­low­ing gram­mat­i­cal phe­nom­e­na: pres­ence, past tense and accusative

Registration for all four courses will start on June 18 at 20:00.

Registration is open from 18. 6. 2020 20:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Please select the level according to your knowledge.