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Open czech language course: 6. Mental health

Our open Czech lan­guage course begins on Tues­day 14. March 2023 at 13:00.  

A key to health is tak­ing care of the body and soul, but the soul is often­times for­got­ten. In today’s hec­tic era it is easy to become depressed or exhaust­ed. We will dis­cuss what our psy­che is fight­ing in our next course on men­tal health.

The course is open for all those who are inter­est­ed and have at least A1 lev­el knowl­edge (the course is thus not for begin­ners).  

Lessons will be each Tues­day from 13:00. It is nec­es­sary to reg­is­ter for each open les­son sep­a­rate­ly.  

The course takes place on Mezír­ka 1 in lec­ture room 6.1. 


14.3. Men­tal health

21.3. Shop­ping

28.3. Spring, sum­mer, autumn, win­ter

4.4. East­er

11.4. Food

18.4. Hob­bies, sport

25.4. Ecol­o­gy and the envi­ron­ment

Projekt „Provoz centra pro cizince JMK 2022-2023“, reg. č. AMIF/31/02, je financován Evropskou unií v rámci národního programu Azylového, migračního a integračního fondu a rozpočtu Ministerstva vnitra České republiky.

Registration is open from 9. 3. 2023 8:41 until 13. 3. 2023 23:59


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Please pick the level accoarding to your knowledge.