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Online Open czech course — 5. Sport

Drazí kli­en­ti, 

rádi bychom vás poz­vali na další lek­ci OTEVŘENÉHO KURZU ČEŠTINY s tématem „Sport

Do you play sports or are you more of a sports fan? Do you know any famous Czech ath­letes? What sports do Czechs like?

The course is open to any­one who is on lev­el A2 or B1 or high­er.

The les­son takes place on MONDAY 26.10. 2020 from 15:00 till 17:30

Due to the lim­it­ed capac­i­ty of the class­room, it is nec­es­sary to reg­is­ter for each les­son. We will con­nect via the ZOOM appli­ca­tion. You will need an inter­net con­nec­tion, lap­top / pc / mobile phone, cam­era and micro­phone. We will send you a link to the class and mate­ri­als half an hour before the start.

Reg­is­tra­tion for lec­ture will take place 19th Octo­ber at 20:00 on this page.

Next lec­tures:

2/11 Leisure and inter­ests: How do we spend our free time? Do you like to cook, to cro­chet or to read books?

9/11 Work: What to (not) say and (not) do at a job inter­view? What is your job?

16/11 At the doc­tor and ill­ness: How to tell the doc­tor what hurts me? How to call for help?

23/11 Hous­ing: How to find an apart­ment or house rental? How to fur­nish an apart­ment? And what does an “hour hus­band” do?

30/11 Hol­i­days: Who is Nicholas? How do Czechs cel­e­brate And­vent and Christ­mas? Select­ed Czech tra­di­tions and cus­toms.

7/12 Slang, say­ings and gen­er­al Czech: When to use col­lo­qui­al Czech? “Hantec” or How to speak in Brno? The most used Czech proverbs and say­ings.

14/12 Theme accoard­ing to stu­dents wish­es.

Registration is open from 19. 10. 2020 20:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Please pick the level accoarding to your knowledge.