Open Czech Language Course: 12. Ecology and the environment
Our open Czech language course begins on Tuesday 25. April 2023 at 13:00.
Each and every one of us can care for the world around it, and sometimes you only need to take small steps to see big changes. Learn to discuss the protection of nature and the ways to help. The 12th course is about ecology and the environment.
The course is open for all those who are interested, have at least A1 level knowledge (the course is thus not for beginners) and came from non-EU countries.
Lessons will be each Tuesday from 13:00. It is necessary to register for each open lesson separately.
The course takes place on Mezírka 1 in lecture room 6.1.
Projekt „Provoz centra pro cizince JMK 2022-2023“, reg. č. AMIF/31/02, je financován Evropskou unií v rámci národního programu Azylového, migračního a integračního fondu a rozpočtu Ministerstva vnitra České republiky.
Registration is open from 20. 4. 2023 9:41 until 25. 4. 2023 0:00