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Open czech course — Summer 2020 — 3. Work

Dear clients,

We would like to invite you to anoth­er les­son of the OPEN CZECH COURSE with the top­ic “Work”.

What to (not) say and (not) do at a job inter­view? How to write a resume and cov­er let­ter?

The course is open to any­one who is on lev­el A2 or B1 or high­er.

The les­son takes place on Thurs­day on JULY 16 from 13:30 to 16:00.

Reg­is­tra­tion for lec­ture will take place 8th of July at 20:00 on this page.

Next lec­tures:

22/7 (Wednes­day, 10:00–12:30) Food and drink: How to pre­pare Czech tra­di­tion­al food? How to order in the restau­rant?

29/7 (Wednes­day, 10:00–12:30) Nature and ecol­o­gy: How to behave eco­log­i­cal­ly? Where to go on a trip to nature and how to name plants and ani­mals in the Czech for­est?

5/8 Lec­ture can­celled

12/8 (Wednes­day, 12:30–15:00) Fash­ion: How has fash­ion changed over the years? What do you like to wear and where, what and how do you like to buy?

19/8 (Wednes­day, 12:30–15:00) Cri­sis sit­u­a­tions: Where to call when you find your­self in a cri­sis sit­u­a­tion? What to say to the police, fire depart­ment or emer­gency ser­vices?

26/8 (Wednes­day, 10:00–12:30) Hous­ing: How to find an apart­ment or house rental? How to fur­nish an apart­ment? And what does an hour hus­band do?

2/9 (Wednes­day, 10:00–12:30): Theme accoard­ing to stu­dents

8/9 (Tues­day, 10:00–12:30) Art, lit­er­a­ture and cul­ture: We will talk about art, movies, books. What kind of Czech writ­ers do you know? And what kind of Czech films or fairy tales do you like?

Registration is open from 8. 7. 2020 20:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Please pick the level accoarding to your knowledge.