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Online Open czech course — 12. Brno –⁠ my city

Dear clients,

We would like to invite you to the first les­son of the OPEN CZECH COURSE with the top­ic Food, drinks and cook­ing

A walk around the city with Czech lec­tur­ers and a good cof­fee in Petrov or, for exam­ple,  “na Čáře”.

The course is open to any­one who has a lev­el A2 or B1 or high­er. Par­tic­i­pants will be divid­ed into two groups, based on their lan­guage lev­el.

The les­son takes place on MONDAY 3rd May 2021 from 14:30 till 16:00

We hope that it will be pos­si­ble to meet per­son­al­ly already. If not, we will inform you before regi­t­ra­tion process.

Reg­is­tra­tion for this lec­ture will take place 26th April at 18:00 on this page.

Registration is open from 26. 4. 2021 18:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Please pick the level according to your knowledge.