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Online conversation Czech course — Lesson 5

Dear clients,

We are pleased to invite you to the ONLINE CONVERSATION CZECH COURSE. This time on the top­ic “Health”. 

What to say to the doc­tor? How to eat health­ily and how to take care of your health?

The course is open to any­one, who knows the fol­low­ing gram­mar phe­nom­e­na:

  1. present tense
  2. future tense
  3. past tense
  4. accusative 

The les­son will take place on Tues­day 29th June from 16:00 to 17:30

Due to the lim­it­ed capac­i­ty, it is nec­es­sary to reg­is­ter for each les­son. We will con­nect via the ZOOM appli­ca­tion.

The reg­is­tra­tion form is placed at the bot­tom of this page.

Registration is open from 27. 5. 2021 16:13


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Vyberte prosím v seznamu některou položku. Úroveň lze rozbalit až při spuštění registrace.