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Summer courses for high school students

Where: Mezír­ka 1, Brno, 602 00

When: 17.–27.8. (9:00–12:30), 8 days Mon-Thu

The Cen­ter for For­eign­ers JMK opens sum­mer Czech lan­guage cours­es for all inter­est­ed for stud­ies at high school and cur­rent high school stu­dents. The con­di­tion of par­tic­i­pa­tion is to have com­plet­ed basic edu­ca­tion.

The exact lev­el will be decid­ed accord­ing to the reg­is­tered stu­dents on the basis of place­ment tests, which will take place on 27th July 2020 from 13:00. If you did not come for test­ing, come 3th August at 2 pm.

The cours­es are intend­ed for for­eign­ers from coun­tries out­side the EU. They are paid from the EU, MVČR and JMK.

For reg­is­tra­tion use the web­site in the event in the Cal­en­dar-August sec­tion.

Registration is open from 17. 6. 2020 0:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Please pick the level accoarding to your knowledge.