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Children czech courses 2020/2021

Where: Mezír­ka 1, Brno, 602 00

When: 7.9.20–17.12.20 (15:30–17:00)

Cen­ter for For­eign­ers JMK opens Czech lan­guage cours­es for chil­dren attend­ing pri­ma­ry schools (6–12 years).

The cours­es are divid­ed accord­ing to the moth­er lan­guage into Slav­ics and Non­slav­ics and accord­ing to the age.

To attend the course, please attend a meet­ing with par­ents and chil­dren at the des­ig­nat­ed time.

The cours­es are intend­ed for for­eign­ers from coun­tries out­side the EU. They are paid from the EU, MVČR and JMK.

Registration is open from 17. 8. 2020 0:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Please pick the level accoarding to your knowledge.