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19.5. Outdoor Art Workshop for Children; Creating a Herbarium  


We would like to invite you to an Art work­shop for chil­dren, which will take place in the park near the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers. We will be cre­at­ing a herbar­i­um. The chil­dren will col­lect flow­ers and will learn how to press them. In the next part the chil­dren will dec­o­rate their own herbar­i­um through flower and pic­ture decals. In the work­shop they will also learn the names of the plants in Czech. The work­shop will be led by stu­dents from the Fac­ul­ty of Edu­ca­tion.  

Who is the work­shop for?: Chil­dren aged 9–14

When? Thurs­day 19.5., from 15:30 until 17:00 

Where? In the park near the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers. The meet­ing point will be at 15:25 at the ele­va­tors near the entrance to the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers at Mezír­ka 1 street (in case of bad weath­er the work­shop will move to the 6th floor of the build­ing in the Com­mu­ni­ty room oppo­site the ele­va­tors)  

The num­ber of par­tic­i­pants is lim­it­ed to 12, it is nec­es­sary to reg­is­ter low­er on this web­page. If you want to reg­is­ter more chil­dren, it is nec­es­sary to cre­ate a reg­is­tra­tion for each child sep­a­rate­ly. The reg­is­tra­tion takes place low­er on this page.

The work­shop is free of charge.

“Provoz cen­tra pro ciz­ince JMK 2021–2022” reg­is­tra­tion no. AMIF/28/04, which is financed by the Min­istry of the Inte­ri­or of the Czech Repub­lic, the Depart­ment of Euro­pean Union Funds in the Field of Home Affairs, respon­si­ble author­i­ty for the Asy­lum, Migra­tion and Inte­gra­tion Fund

Registration is open from 11. 5. 2022 10:11


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

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