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Follow-up Conversation Courses


we would like to offer you free spots in con­ver­sa­tion cours­es. You can enroll in the course only if you have already tak­en part in our gram­mar cours­es of the same lev­el (or one lev­el above or below) in the past.  You can enroll in the A1 course if you have com­plet­ed our A1 gram­mar course.. 

Stu­dents will use their knowl­edge from gram­mar cours­es and they prac­tice speak­ing on var­i­ous top­ics. 

Cours­es start the week of 16.5. 

Reg­is­tra­tion will start below on this page on Fri­day, May 6 at 5:00 pm.

This course if not for begin­ners. Цей курс не призначений для початківців. 

Timetable of the Cours­es :

  • A1 Slav­ics– shift cours­es, Mon + Wed 9:00–11:30/ Tue + Thurs 15:00–17:30 
  • A2.1 Slav­ics, Mon + Wed, 15:00–17:30 
  • A2.2 Slav­ics, Tue + Thurs, 9:00–11:30
  • A2.1 Non-Slav­ics, Mon + Wed, 9:00–11:30 
  • A2.2 Non-Slav­ics, Tue + Thurs, 7:30 — 10:00 
  • A2.2 Non-Slav­ics, Mon + Wed, 18:00–20:30 
  • A2.3 Non-Slav­ics, Mon + Wed, 17:45–20:15 
  • B1.3 mix, Tue + Thurs, 9:00–11:30 

Registration is open from 6. 5. 2022 17:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

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