
coordinator: Julie Onufer

coordinator: Soňa Kuderová


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E‑learning courses for non-EU citizens: registration

Our online e-learning courses are a perfect fit for all those who cannot attend in-person courses, be it because of their time schedule or other reasons. The language of instruction is mainly English. The more advanced the course level is, the more Czech there will be.

  • You set your own pace for individual tasks. However, you need to complete tasks from 2 lessons every week.
  • The binding deadline for fulfilling specific tasks is twice per week. You must mainly complete the tasks that need to be corrected by the teacher.

The teacher gives you continuous feedback via the system, which means you are always in contact. Additionally, you can set up a zoom meeting with your teacher once every two weeks. This time is reserved not only for the lesson, but for your questions as well.

Individual tasks focus on:

  • expanding your vocabulary,
  • mastering the grammar,
  • developing writing skills
  • developing speaking skills.

Interactive tasks based on various topics are connected to each of these points. Writing or speaking tasks are corrected by the teacher.

How to choose a course level?


Course length: 16 lessons in 8 weeks
Course type: online (weekly online feedback from the teacher, biweekly meeting with teacher)
Form: self-study through interactive tasks, continuous contact with the teacher
Time difficulty: flexible, 2x per week deadline for submitting tasks for assessment by the teacher
Language of instruction: ENGLISH (colloquial Czech)


Project "Providing the Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region 2023-2025", CZ.12.01.02/00/23_008/0000010

Basic information

Date: 4. 3. 2024
Type of action: czech courses, non-EU

online, Zoom

Registration is open from 12. 2. 2024 10:00 until 26. 2. 2024 0:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Please pick the level accoarding to your knowledge.