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CZECH LANGUAGE OPEN CLASS: Speaking Differently, Phraseology

Dear Clients,

We would like to invite you to anoth­er les­son of the CZECH LANGUAGE OPEN CLASS with the top­ic Speak­ing Dif­fer­ent­ly, Phrase­ol­o­gy: When to use infor­mal Czech? Should we go for cof­fee or ‘kafe’? What do we mean when we say, ‘it’s all Greek to me’/we have goulash in it? The most com­mon Czech proverbs and say­ings.  

The class is open to all inter­est­ed who are at the A2, B1 lev­el or high­er.

The class will take place in two sep­a­rate groups:

-       A2 lev­el with lec­tor Patrik: the next les­son will be on WEDNESDAY 1.12. from 15.00–16.30

-       B1 and high­er lev­el with lec­tor Petra: the next les­son will be on WEDNESDAY 1.12. from 11.30–13.00

We will con­nect through the ZOOM appli­ca­tion. You will need an inter­net con­nec­tion, a notebook/pc/cellphone, a cam­era and a micro­phone. We will send you the link for con­nect­ing to the les­son and mate­ri­als no lat­er than 30 min­utes before the begin­ning.

Reg­is­tra­tion for the les­son will be avail­able low­er on this page from 25.11. at 18:00.

Oth­er open class­es:

8/12 Leisure Time: How do we spend our free time? Do you like to cook, cro­chet, or read books?

15/12 Christ­mas: How is Christ­mas cel­e­brat­ed in the Czech Repub­lic? Which tra­di­tions do you adhere to in your coun­try? What sur­prised you about Christ­mas in the Czech Repub­lic? Do you know what a ‘baň­ka’ is?  

Fol­low our web­page and Face­book, where more lessons with the reg­is­tra­tion form will be post­ed.

Registration is open from 25. 11. 2021 18:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

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