
coordinator: Aneta Augustinová

coordinator: Agnieszka Landowska


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Czech language courses for parents with small children

From September 26, 2023 we will open the registration for Czech language courses for parents (with children) - Slavics, both EU and Non-EU.

The registration will be open until October 8, 2023, after which we will check your information, which is why it is necessary to wait for a confirmation email.

The course begins on October 16, 2023.

The course is centered around teaching adults according to the textbook Česky krok za krokem (description of the textbook).

Babysitting is provided throughout the entire course.

  • Course duration: 3.5 months
    Frequency: 2x per week according to the time table
  • Language level: A1+

We are looking forward to seeing you! 


parents with small children Mo+Wed 9:00-11:30

Basic information

Date: 16. 10. 2023
Type of action:

Brno, Kounicova 13 / Mezírka 1

Registration is open from 26. 9. 2023 0:00 until 8. 10. 2023 0:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Please pick the level accoarding to your knowledge.

Date of birth

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