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Czech Grammar Courses for EU Citizens — REGISTRATION

We will begin new Czech lan­guage cours­es on 13 Feb­ru­ary 2023. You can reg­is­ter from 27 Jan­u­ary to 29 Jan­u­ary low­er on this page.  

  • The cours­es are intend­ed for all cit­i­zens of the Euro­pean Union (EU) and the Euro­pean Eco­nom­ic Area (EEA), who are liv­ing in the South Mora­vian region long-term. 
  • Clients out­side of the EU and EEA can­not sign up for the cours­es. 

Con­verse­ly, clients with Czech cit­i­zen­ship can sign up for these cours­es.

Fre­quen­cy of lessons: 2×–3× per week accord­ing to sched­ule. 

Course Aims: vocab­u­lary, gram­mar, read­ing, lis­ten­ing, speak­ing, writ­ing. 

Shift Course: We also offer one shift course A1 for Slav­ics. This is intend­ed main­ly for peo­ple who have employ­ment in the form of shifts. They can attend the lessons in the morn­ing or in the evening. The first les­son is on Mon­day evening, and the iden­ti­cal les­son takes place on Tues­day morn­ing. The sec­ond les­son is on Wednes­day evening and it is repeat­ed on Thurs­day morn­ing. You can choose accord­ing to your shift and you will not miss any les­son.   

WARNING: Before you reg­is­ter, you must know your lev­el! 

How to sign up for a course:

  1. I am already a client of the Cen­tre – if you have already attend­ed a course with us and you passed the final test with at least 70%, sign up for the course one lev­el above you. 
  2. You are a new client and you have not attend­ed any course at the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers, but you can speak a bit of Czech – you must take a writ­ten and oral place­ment test. Both parts are manda­to­ry. 
  • You can take the writ­ten part online from 12 Decem­ber 2022 until 8 Jan­u­ary 2023. The num­ber of spaces is lim­it­ed, please reg­is­ter in time. If you already have an account, you can find the test here. If you do not have an account, please cre­ate it first here.
  • After the test we will con­tact you and invite you to the oral part of the exam. That will take place from 9 Jan­u­ary 2023. We can either meet in per­son at the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers or online through Zoom. 
  • Due to orga­ni­za­tion­al rea­sons we do not accept cer­tifi­cates from Czech lan­guage cours­es from oth­er insti­tu­tions.
  1. I am a new client and I do not know Czech at all – you do not have to take the test. Sign up for the A1.1 (Non-Slav­ics) or A1 (Slav­ics). 


  • Scroll low­er on this page,
  • Choose an appro­pri­ate course from the offer,
  • Fill out the reg­is­tra­tion form,
  • Before send­ing, fill out the “I am not a robot” pan­el“,
  • Click the “Send” but­ton“,
  • Wait for the con­fir­ma­tion e‑mail, we will send it with­in 14 days.

We give every­one a chance, so a fair draw sys­tem is still in place. After your elec­tron­ic reg­is­tra­tion (below on this page), expect an email to let you know if the sys­tem has drawn you.


Days of lessons

Time of lessons

Begin­ning of lessons

A1.1 MON + WED  7:30  9:00 13. 2. 2023
A1.1 TUE + THU 9:00  11:30 14. 2. 2023
A1.1 MON + WED  18:30  21:00 13. 2. 2023
A1 Shift Course MON + WED / TUE + THU 9:00  10:30 / 18:00  19:30 13. 2. 2023
A1.2 TUE + THU 17:30  20:00 14. 2. 2023
A1.2 MON + WED  9:00  11:30 13. 2. 2023
A2.1 Slav­ic online TUE + THU 17:30  20:00 14. 2. 2023
A2.1 MON + WED  17:30  20:00 13. 2. 2023
A2.2 TUE + THU 17:30  20:00 14. 2. 2023
A2.3 TUE + THU 17:30 – 20:00 14. 2. 2023
B1.1 MON + WED  9:00  11:30 13. 2. 2023
B1.2 TUE + THU 7:15  8:45 14. 2. 2023
B1.3 MON + WED  17:30 – 20:00 13. 2. 2023

Registration is open from 27. 1. 2023 18:00 until 29. 1. 2023 22:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

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