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Czech conversation courses for Non-EU citizens – REGISTRATION

We will begin new Czech lan­guage cours­es from May 22. You can reg­is­ter from April 30 until May 7 below on this page. 

  • The cours­es are for all for­eign­ers with an over 90 day stay per­mit, who live in the South Mora­vian region.  
  • These cours­es are for cit­i­zens out­side the Euro­pean Union.
  • Clients with Czech cit­i­zen­ship can­not reg­is­ter for the cours­es.  
  • You can only sign up for one course.   

Course lev­els: 

  • SLAVICS, lev­els A1 – B2 and high­er (your moth­er tongue is Slav­ic – Ukrain­ian, Russ­ian, Ser­bian, Mace­don­ian)   
  • NON-SLAVICS, lev­els A1 – B2 and high­er (all oth­er lan­guages) 

Every­day Top­ics, Slav­ics – A1 and high­er (16 lessons)   
MON+WED/ 9:00–11:30, Diana Šimonová   
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the A1 lev­el and beyond. We will deal with top­ics such as liv­ing (how to bor­row some­thing from a neigh­bor, how to deal with a prob­lem with the land­lord), health­care (how to call an ambu­lance, how to set an appoint­ment with a doc­tor, how to describe what pains me and how to buy med­i­cine), infor­mal con­ver­sa­tions (how to give a com­pli­ment), or trav­el­ing (what to pack for a vaca­tion and what trou­bles can await me).  

! Online course !   
Brno, Slav­ics – A1 and high­er (16 lessons)   
TUE+THURS/ 8:00–10:15, Mag­da Šplíchalová  
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the A1 lev­el and beyond. We will dis­cuss top­ics such as myths of Brno, food, trav­el­ing, work, cul­ture, rela­tion­ships and infor­mal every­day con­ver­sa­tions.  

Every­day top­ics, Non-Slav­ics – A1 and high­er (16 lessons)  
PO+ST/ 9:00–11:30, Dra­ha Midri­aková  
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the A1 lev­el and beyond. We will dis­cuss top­ics such as fam­i­ly, liv­ing, food, shop­ping, vaca­tion, free-time or cel­e­bra­tions. 

Brno and Films, Slav­ics – A2 and high­er (12 lessons)  
MON+WED/ 9:00–11:30, Dáša Bar­toníková  
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the A2 lev­el and beyond. We will focus on Brno’s mon­u­ments, inter­est­ing build­ings, read leg­ends of Brno, and look at films about Brno.   

Music, Slav­ics – A2 and high­er (16 lessons)   
TUE+THURS / 9.00–11:30, Olga Kovacsová  
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the A2 lev­el and beyond. We will focus on top­ics of music gen­res, the his­to­ry of clas­si­cal and pop music and com­po­si­tion. We will look at music icons from the Czech Repub­lic and from abroad. We will also try to write a song and sing it togeth­er.   

Read­ing and Talk­ing with Guests, Slav­ics and Non-Slav­ics – A2 and high­er (16 lessons)   
TUE+THURS / 9.00–11:30, Eva Kaličin­ská  
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the A2 lev­el and beyond. We will learn spo­ken Czech and how to under­stand a text. If the weath­er will be nice, we will go out, oth­er times inter­est­ing Brno guests will come and vis­it us.   

Czech Film, Slav­ics and Non-Slav­ics – A2 and high­er (16 lessons)   
TUE+THURS / 9.00–11:30, Iva Orsil­lo  
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the A2 lev­el and beyond. We will focus main­ly on films of the Czechoslo­vak new wave. We will look at films Lásky jed­né plavovlásky, Ostře sle­dované vlaky or Všich­ni dobří rodá­ci, but also at the come­dies Marečku, pode­jte mi pero!, S tebou mě baví svět or Vrch­ní, prch­ni!. Of course, the con­ver­sa­tion course will not be only about films, but also about top­ics from life.   

Every­day top­ics, Slav­ics and Non-Slav­ics – B1 and high­er (12 lessons)  
TUE+THURS / 9.00–11:30, Petra Lipen­ská  
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the B1 lev­el and beyond. We will main­ly improve in spo­ken Czech; you will learn how to speak like a native speak­er and you will stop being ner­vous from speak­ing. We will prac­tice on top­ics such as cook­ing, sport, liv­ing, or shop­ping.   

Every­day top­ics, Slav­ics and Non-Slaivcs – B1 and high­er (16 lessons)   
MON+WED/ 17:30–20:00, Petr Sto­jan   
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the B1 lev­el and beyond. We will play speak­ing games, talk, go out when it will be nice, and when the weath­er will be bad we will watch clas­sic Czech films. Spo­ken and vul­gar Czech will be part of the course or as the say­ing goes, whos afraid of the wolf shouldn’t go in the woods. And don’t you dare to go to the pub pen­ny­less

Visu­al art, Slav­ics and Non-Slav­ics – B1 and high­er (12 lessons)   
TUE+THURS/ 17:30–20:00, Tereza Švan­dová  
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the B1 lev­el and beyond. We will focus on the art world. We will not just talk, you can look for­ward to vis­its to art gal­leries and exam­ples of var­i­ous art tech­niques. You will také your own cre­ations home. The course is for adults and youth old­er than 15 years.   

Every­day top­ics, Slav­ics and Non-Slav­ics – B2 and high­er (16 lessons)  
TUE+THURS/ 17:30–20:00, Petr Sto­jan   
The course focus­es on expand­ing the vocab­u­lary and gram­mar from the B2 lev­el and beyond. We will play speak­ing games, talk, go out when it will be nice, and when the weath­er will be bad we will watch clas­sic Czech films. Spo­ken and vul­gar Czech will be part of the course or as the say­ing goes, whos afraid of the wolf shouldn’t go in the woods. And don’t you dare to go to the pub pen­ny­less! 

Course dura­tion: 12 — 16 lec­tures

Fre­quen­cy of lessons: 2× per week accord­ing to sched­ule 

Course Aims: con­ver­sa­tion

WARNING: Before you reg­is­ter, you must know your lev­el!  

How to sign up for a course: 

  1. I am already a client of the Cen­tre – if you have already attend­ed a course with us and you passed the final test with at least 70%, sign up for the course one lev­el above you.  
  2. You are a new client and you have not attend­ed any course at the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers, but you can speak a bit of Czech – you must take a writ­ten and oral place­ment test. Both parts are manda­to­ry.  
  • You can take the writ­ten part online from April 24 until May 3. The num­ber of spaces is lim­it­ed, please reg­is­ter in time. If you already have an account, you can find the test here. If you do not have an account, please cre­ate it first here. 
  • After the test we will con­tact you and invite you to the oral part of the exam. We can either meet in per­son at the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers or online through Zoom.  
  • Due to orga­ni­za­tion­al rea­sons we do not accept cer­tifi­cates from Czech lan­guage cours­es from oth­er insti­tu­tions.


    • Scroll low­er on this page, 
    • Choose an appro­pri­ate course from the offer, 
    • Fill out the reg­is­tra­tion form, 
    • Before send­ing, fill out the “I am not a robot” pan­el“, 
    • Click the “Send” but­ton“, 
    • Wait for the con­fir­ma­tion e‑mail, we will send it with­in 14 days. 

    We want to give a chance to every­one, which is why the fair lot­tery sys­tem is still in place. Please wait for an e‑mail after your elec­tron­ic reg­is­tra­tion (low­er on this page). In this e‑mail you will find out whether you have been select­ed. 

    Projekt „Provoz centra pro cizince JMK 2022-2023“, reg. č. AMIF/31/02, je financován Evropskou unií v rámci národního programu Azylového, migračního a integračního fondu a rozpočtu Ministerstva vnitra České republiky.

    Registration is open from 30. 4. 2023 0:00 until 7. 5. 2023 0:00


    Fill out the form in Latin letters.

    Please pick the level accoarding to your knowledge.

    Date of birth