Czech conversation courses for Non-EU citizens – REGISTRATION
We will begin new Czech language courses from May 22. You can register from April 30 until May 7 below on this page.
- The courses are for all foreigners with an over 90 day stay permit, who live in the South Moravian region.
- These courses are for citizens outside the European Union.
- Clients with Czech citizenship cannot register for the courses.
- You can only sign up for one course.
Course levels:
- SLAVICS, levels A1 – B2 and higher (your mother tongue is Slavic – Ukrainian, Russian, Serbian, Macedonian)
- NON-SLAVICS, levels A1 – B2 and higher (all other languages)
Everyday Topics, Slavics – A1 and higher (16 lessons)
MON+WED/ 9:00–11:30, Diana Šimonová
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the A1 level and beyond. We will deal with topics such as living (how to borrow something from a neighbor, how to deal with a problem with the landlord), healthcare (how to call an ambulance, how to set an appointment with a doctor, how to describe what pains me and how to buy medicine), informal conversations (how to give a compliment), or traveling (what to pack for a vacation and what troubles can await me).
! Online course !
Brno, Slavics – A1 and higher (16 lessons)
TUE+THURS/ 8:00–10:15, Magda Šplíchalová
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the A1 level and beyond. We will discuss topics such as myths of Brno, food, traveling, work, culture, relationships and informal everyday conversations.
Everyday topics, Non-Slavics – A1 and higher (16 lessons)
PO+ST/ 9:00–11:30, Draha Midriaková
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the A1 level and beyond. We will discuss topics such as family, living, food, shopping, vacation, free-time or celebrations.
Brno and Films, Slavics – A2 and higher (12 lessons)
MON+WED/ 9:00–11:30, Dáša Bartoníková
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the A2 level and beyond. We will focus on Brno’s monuments, interesting buildings, read legends of Brno, and look at films about Brno.
Music, Slavics – A2 and higher (16 lessons)
TUE+THURS / 9.00–11:30, Olga Kovacsová
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the A2 level and beyond. We will focus on topics of music genres, the history of classical and pop music and composition. We will look at music icons from the Czech Republic and from abroad. We will also try to write a song and sing it together.
Reading and Talking with Guests, Slavics and Non-Slavics – A2 and higher (16 lessons)
TUE+THURS / 9.00–11:30, Eva Kaličinská
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the A2 level and beyond. We will learn spoken Czech and how to understand a text. If the weather will be nice, we will go out, other times interesting Brno guests will come and visit us.
Czech Film, Slavics and Non-Slavics – A2 and higher (16 lessons)
TUE+THURS / 9.00–11:30, Iva Orsillo
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the A2 level and beyond. We will focus mainly on films of the Czechoslovak new wave. We will look at films Lásky jedné plavovlásky, Ostře sledované vlaky or Všichni dobří rodáci, but also at the comedies Marečku, podejte mi pero!, S tebou mě baví svět or Vrchní, prchni!. Of course, the conversation course will not be only about films, but also about topics from life.
Everyday topics, Slavics and Non-Slavics – B1 and higher (12 lessons)
TUE+THURS / 9.00–11:30, Petra Lipenská
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the B1 level and beyond. We will mainly improve in spoken Czech; you will learn how to speak like a native speaker and you will stop being nervous from speaking. We will practice on topics such as cooking, sport, living, or shopping.
Everyday topics, Slavics and Non-Slaivcs – B1 and higher (16 lessons)
MON+WED/ 17:30–20:00, Petr Stojan
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the B1 level and beyond. We will play speaking games, talk, go out when it will be nice, and when the weather will be bad we will watch classic Czech films. Spoken and vulgar Czech will be part of the course or as the saying goes, whos afraid of the wolf shouldn’t go in the woods. And don’t you dare to go to the pub pennyless!
Visual art, Slavics and Non-Slavics – B1 and higher (12 lessons)
TUE+THURS/ 17:30–20:00, Tereza Švandová
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the B1 level and beyond. We will focus on the art world. We will not just talk, you can look forward to visits to art galleries and examples of various art techniques. You will také your own creations home. The course is for adults and youth older than 15 years.
Everyday topics, Slavics and Non-Slavics – B2 and higher (16 lessons)
TUE+THURS/ 17:30–20:00, Petr Stojan
The course focuses on expanding the vocabulary and grammar from the B2 level and beyond. We will play speaking games, talk, go out when it will be nice, and when the weather will be bad we will watch classic Czech films. Spoken and vulgar Czech will be part of the course or as the saying goes, whos afraid of the wolf shouldn’t go in the woods. And don’t you dare to go to the pub pennyless!
Course duration: 12 — 16 lectures
Frequency of lessons: 2× per week according to schedule.
Course Aims: conversation
WARNING: Before you register, you must know your level!
How to sign up for a course:
- I am already a client of the Centre – if you have already attended a course with us and you passed the final test with at least 70%, sign up for the course one level above you.
- You are a new client and you have not attended any course at the Centre for Foreigners, but you can speak a bit of Czech – you must take a written and oral placement test. Both parts are mandatory.
- You can take the written part online from April 24 until May 3. The number of spaces is limited, please register in time. If you already have an account, you can find the test here. If you do not have an account, please create it first here.
- After the test we will contact you and invite you to the oral part of the exam. We can either meet in person at the Centre for Foreigners or online through Zoom.
- Due to organizational reasons we do not accept certificates from Czech language courses from other institutions.
- Scroll lower on this page,
- Choose an appropriate course from the offer,
- Fill out the registration form,
- Before sending, fill out the “I am not a robot” panel“,
- Click the “Send” button“,
- Wait for the confirmation e‑mail, we will send it within 14 days.
We want to give a chance to everyone, which is why the fair lottery system is still in place. Please wait for an e‑mail after your electronic registration (lower on this page). In this e‑mail you will find out whether you have been selected.
Projekt „Provoz centra pro cizince JMK 2022-2023“, reg. č. AMIF/31/02, je financován Evropskou unií v rámci národního programu Azylového, migračního a integračního fondu a rozpočtu Ministerstva vnitra České republiky.
Registration is open from 30. 4. 2023 0:00 until 7. 5. 2023 0:00