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Experiential summer Czech language course (for EU citizens)

Dear clients, 
We would like to invite you to a spe­cial expe­ri­en­tial sum­mer Czech lan­guage course, which will take place in the week from 12th to 17th July. The lec­tur­er of the course is Simona Michlová. The course is intend­ed for EU and EEA cit­i­zens with a lan­guage lev­el of A2 and above. 

What can you look for­ward to?

Mon­day, 12th July
9:00 — 13:00
A walk through the Brno city cen­tre, his­to­ry and present, inter­est­ing places and peo­ple, Brno’s firsts

Tues­day, 13th July
15:00 — 20:00
Vis­it of the wine cel­lar + wine tast­ing. We will not only taste but also learn about grow­ing and pro­duc­ing wine.

Wednes­day, 14th July
9:00 — 13:00
Mahen The­atre — we will  see places where the aver­age vis­i­tor can­not go (stage, space under the stage, under the roof, etc.)

Thurs­day, 15th July
9:00 — 13:00
Drink­ing beer is part of the Czech cul­ture. We will there­fore take a look into the brew­ery. We will find out how beer is brewed, where it is stored; of course, we will also taste it.

Fri­day, 16th July
9:00 — 13:00
How did we live in Czecho­slo­va­kia? We will vis­it a spe­cial muse­um that will take us back sev­er­al decades. We’ll try some of the past activ­i­ties for our­selves.

Sat­ur­day, 17th July
9:00 — 13:00
Final pic­nic — we will taste our nation­al spe­cial­i­ties, exchange recipes, etc.

We will be mov­ing around Brno. You will need tick­ets for pub­lic trans­port. The excep­tion is a vis­it to the wine cel­lar, which is in Hustopeče. If you have a “šalinkar­ta” for zone 100+ 101, you just need to buy 4 extra zones x 2. Or you can buy a return tick­et to Hustopece at the sta­tion — about 100,- CZK.

Wine cel­lar: 350 CZK
Mahen The­atre: 150 CZK
Staro­brno brew­ery: 150 CZK
Retro muse­um: approx. 200 CZK 

Due to cur­rent anti-epi­dem­ic reg­u­la­tions, stu­dents will be required to sub­mit a neg­a­tive test for covid-19. 

Registration is open from 15. 6. 2021 18:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

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