Centre in the media

Who some­times doesn´t appear in the media as if he were not!

We pro­vid­ed some inter­views  on TV or in mag­a­zines. Reg­u­lar­ly we are a part of round tables and plat­forms with a for­eign theme. You can find some men­tions of us in some arti­cles, videos, talks, or links in print­ed or online resources.

We try to cre­ate some videos about our func­tion­ing or inter­ests too. That’s why you can watch our spots and see our cam­paigns on social net­works, our web­site www.cizincijmk.cz or in the streets.  

In the inter­est of inter­view with us con­tact our head Lenka Herčíková on hercikova.lenka@jmk.cz.

Find out how we look in media: