Centre in the media

Who some­times doesn´t appear in the media as if he were not!

We pro­vid­ed some inter­views  on TV or in mag­a­zines. Reg­u­lar­ly we are a part of round tables and plat­forms with a for­eign theme. You can find some men­tions of us in some arti­cles, videos, talks, or links in print­ed or online resources.

We try to cre­ate some videos about our func­tion­ing or inter­ests too. That’s why you can watch our spots and see our cam­paigns on social net­works, our web­site www.cizincijmk.cz or in the streets.  

In the inter­est of inter­view with us con­tact our head Lenka Herčíková on hercikova.lenka@jmk.cz.

Find out how we look in media:

KAM v Brně: The Launching of the Multicultural Calendar

"As is tradition for December, the Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region, z. ú. is organizing the launching of the Multicultural...


KAM v Brně: Expansion of Services of the Centre for Foreigners

"Foreigners in our region have a reason to smile; the Centre for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region has expanded and now offers its services...


KAM v Brně: A Jewel of Central European Cultural Heritage

"Czech is one of the most beautiful and important Central European languages. It is a language rich in history, literature, and cultural heritage." Read...


Události ČT

Mohli jste nás vidět v Událostech na ČT. Naše ředitelka Alena Krejčí mluvila o tom, jak pomáháme příchozím z Ukrajiny s vyplněním žádostí o finanční...


KAM v Brně: How to learn Czech

"Czech language is just like us Czechs. My foreign students sometimes come to the same conclusion and say: 'Czechs are a bit closed off and unavailable,...


KAM v Brně: Geraldine Schneider: The voice that will make Moravia dance

"Geraldine Schneider is a jazz singer from Switzerland. Her story is part of the campaign Our Compatriots, created by the South Moravian region...


KAM v Brně: The Skill Cenre: journey to a better job

"Volodymyr was born in Ukraine, but he finished university in the Czech Republic. He currently earns a living through manual labor, but he has...


iRozhlas: V Česku je 30 tisíc ukrajinských dětí bez rodičů. Na jižní Moravě jim budou pomáhat terénní pracovníci

"Od vypuknutí války na Ukrajině přišlo do Česka asi 30 000 dětí bez rodičů. Vyplývá to z informací vládní zmocněnkyně pro lidská práva Kláry...
