Celebrating the Coming of Summer with the Centre
On the last day of school, right after report cards, parents, their children went with us to celebrate the long-awaited coming of summer! The sun shined down on the sand and sidewalks in the new area of Nová Zbrojovka and made it so hot that in the first moments of our celebration it seemed that the majority of visitors would not even come. However, we did not despair and opened the workshop creating anti-stress toys for the first three children that arrived, and the first two parents joined our Centre employees in a volleyball match.
Workshop for children

After being reassured by my teammates that they too have not touched the ball for many years, I also decided to try it out. After a number of missed passes, I was drawn to the sitting area under the beach umbrella, and I realized that despite the high temperatures there were more visitors to our artistic and sport afternoon than it seemed at first sight. The workshop for children was full and the field filled up with players; their passion was astounding, and only špekáčky were able to lure them away from the field.
We finished our afternoon by the fire, and we went home out of breath, but with our arms filled with toys.

How to make your own anti-stress toy?
You will need:
- A balloon
- Flour, cuscus, or any other similar material
- Funnel
- A pencil or a stronger skewer for stuffing
- Markers and your imagination
- A ball of yarn
Blow up the balloon so it stretches out, then slide the balloon onto the narrower part of the funnel. Carefully pour the flour into the balloon (or any other ingredient), and when it seems full, try to use the pencil to pat the flour down to fill it as much as possible, and then tie the balloon up. Draw on the malleable toy whatever you want. You can decorate the toy further by adding hair from the cut-up yarn.