June, Parenting month
It’s June, summer is starting and the school year is ending; it is, without a doubt, one of the most favorite months in the year for children. Not everyone knows, however, that we are also celebrating the month of parenting. It has been established by UNICEF five years ago. During this whole month, UNICEF will point out the importance of supporting parents in their intensive and sacrificing job, both from a human perspective, and as part of structural assistance.
We understand the fundamental role of parents in the Centre as well, where we meet moms and dads in at times complicated situations. Life in a new city is difficult, let alone life in a new country. Fortunately, there are places you can turn to if you need advice. Apart of our workers and other institutions in the city, you can also go to kindweb.org, which serves as a source of information for parents and caretakers.
To all those who are in some way advocating for a better life for children, we wish all the best and mainly much strength! You are not alone.