3/3 English Conversation Club registrace
6/3 How to fill out a tax return of employees (individuals): ENG registrace
7/3 Ukrainian quiz registrace
7/3 Adaptation-integration course (EN, 11:00-15:00) registrace
10/3 Czech Courses (age 18 — 24) registrace
10/3 first day of testing to: Czech grammar courses for non-EU citizens
12/3 Youth Club: Game Day: Mafia registrace
15/3 Adaptation-integration course (RU, 11:00-15:00) registrace
15/3 Adaptation-integration course (EN, 10:00 - 14:00) registrace
17/3 Basics for Your Business Plan: How to do market analysis registrace
17/3 first day of registration: Czech grammar courses for non-EU citizens
19/3 Maturita & přijímačky na vysokou školu na pohodu (CZ) registrace
21/3 last day of testing to: Czech grammar courses for non-EU citizens
21/3 UNICEF WORKSHOP: Theatre of Oppressed
21/3 kreativní workshop: Jarní dekorace na stůl (CZ) registrace
23/3 last day of registration: Czech language courses for non-EU citizens
26/3 YouthClub: Hledáš brigádu při studiu? Poradíme, jak na to. (CZ) registrace
28/3 Workshop: Makronkové kouzlení (CZ)


Pensions in the Czech Republic – for EU citizens

19. 2. 2025

The lecture will be interpreted into English.

entire article

CLOSED Coworking Space – March 27, 2025

25. 3. 2025

Our coworking space will be closed on Thursday, March 27th. We'll be back and ready to welcome you on the 28th!

entire article

About us

We are the Center for Foreigners of the South Moravian Region. We provide Czech language courses, legal and social counselling, and adaptation and integration, in addition to socio-cultural lectures and multicultural activities. Our activities are open for foreigners as well as institutions and the general public.  

All our events are for free.

entire article


years of operation


countries of origin

1 000+

Czech language courses

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What our clients
say about us

Albin John

I am immense­ly grate­ful for the sup­port and guid­ance not only from Mari­na Melkon­jan but also from the entire teams at the OPU and the Cen­ter for For­eign­ers of the South Mora­vian Region in Brno.

Lyuba Shuginina

The Cen­tre for For­eign­ers is cool! It offers oppor­tu­ni­ties to enter a new envi­ron­ment and to learn Czech tra­di­tions and val­ues. The most impor­tant thing is that you can learn Czech here for free. The employ­ees are always nice and tol­er­ant. I also like to vis­it the work­shops and lec­tures.

Esraa Thabet

The cen­ter rep­re­sents our sec­ond home where we feel safe, cre­ative and  pos­i­tive. You have helped us through the process of learn­ing Czech, and have been work­ing with us since we have come to the Czech Repub­lic, so we would like to thank you all very much, great job and sup­port high­ly appre­ci­at­ed. 


Oksana Tsyrkovniak

Hel­lo, dear Mrs. Ljubov! I would like to thank you and the entire team of the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers for your hard work! In 2022, you helped us immense­ly with the nos­tri­fi­ca­tion of our doc­u­ments and thanks to that I man­aged to get a job in my field (I’m a phys­io­ther­a­pist).

Daneliia Yevheniia

I remem­ber how con­fused I was when I came to your Cen­tre, but the air of pro­fes­sion­al­ism and warmth calmed me down. Thanks to you I real­ly feel secure. Thank you very much for your work.

Nataliia Liubchenko

Your Cen­tre helped me and my fam­i­ly, for which I am very grate­ful. I wish to all those who work at the Cen­tre good health, hap­pi­ness and much suc­cess!

Vitalija Agopcsuk

After my vis­it I found a job and I have been work­ing for the Manu­via agency at the Mar­mon fac­to­ry for five months now. I am very hap­py that your Cen­tre exists to help us. And I am grate­ful for your sup­port, which is impor­tant here.

Olena Vitkolenko

Hel­lo Lilie and oth­er work­ers of the Cen­tre. Thank you very much for all your help! Your work is very impor­tant and mean­ing­ful. Once again, thank you very much.

T. Šarková, Group of Ukrainian Women

Every time I come to the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers, I am enchant­ed by the friend­ly atmos­phere, the order and clean­li­ness, as well as the will­ing­ness of the work­ers to help. Many thanks to Lili­ia Pinchuk for her sup­port of Ukraini­ans in Brno, as well as for help­ing with infor­ma­tion and cre­at­ing a good mood.

Xiomara Marin

I want­ed to express my deep­est grat­i­tude for all your incred­i­ble sup­port and guid­ance through­out my immi­gra­tion jour­ney. Thanks to your exper­tise and gen­uine care, I can start a new chap­ter of my life with con­fi­dence and opti­mism.

Malvína Andrová, University Hospital Brno

The Cen­ter is a very use­ful orga­ni­za­tion which has helped the Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal Brno Cen­trum on many occa­sions in deal­ing with for­eign­ers, for which we are very grate­ful. 

Eva Vavrouchová, HR director of HESTEGO, a.s. (Vyškov)

One of our employ­ees had some admin­is­tra­tive dif­fi­cul­ties when arrang­ing for the exten­sion of his employ­ee card. We referred him to you and he received swift and pro­fes­sion­al assis­tance.

Petra Grünhutová, headmistress of the Elementary School Krásného

The sup­port that you have pro­vid­ed to our stu­dents has been very help­ful. They are very sat­is­fied. Thank you on their behalf. 

Alena Doubravová

Today’s event was tru­ly per­fect. Danc­ing! Bar­be­cue! Music! Cir­cus… Thank you for tak­ing such per­fect care of us and for doing every­thing to help us feel at home in this for­eign land.

Anžela Sinelnikova

Your work is extreme­ly need­ed and ben­e­fi­cial for for­eign­ers look­ing for sup­port. The legal and social coun­selling and the lec­tures are extreme­ly pro­fes­sion­al.  We are like one big fam­i­ly and it is you who deserve the cred­it for this!

Tetiana Ishchenko

A big thanks to the Cen­ter not only for your work, but also for a per­fect­ly orga­nized tenth anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tion. It was fun and the time flew by. Con­grat­u­la­tions on your anniver­sary.  Keep up the great work!

Lahcen Mehennaoui

I stud­ied Czech in Eliška’s course. Her method­ol­o­gy is fan­tas­tic, clear and very ben­e­fi­cial for begin­ners. I was extreme­ly sat­is­fied with the course. I am very grate­ful to the Cen­ter for pro­vid­ing this course and I am look­ing for­ward to the next one.  

Danica Schebelle and Jan Kubát, VÚPSV

We great­ly appre­ci­ate the approach to the activ­i­ties and oper­a­tions of the Cen­ter in the South Mora­vian Region. The Cen­ter strives to cre­ate a suit­able space and oppor­tu­ni­ty for broad pro­fes­sion­al and objec­tive dis­cus­sions.   

Iurii Zorkin

Great sup­port in study­ing Czech and inter­est­ing trips. We got to know the Czech cul­ture and many peo­ple! Many thanks to the Cen­ter for For­eign­ers of the SMR.

Ivan Rankič

I am very hap­py that I could attend the Czech cours­es at the Cen­ter. I would like to par­tic­u­lar­ly thank Radim; through him I got to know oth­er Czech lec­tur­ers at Vysoči­na. If I was to describe it in just one word, the word would be – THE BEST. Thanks to you, for­eign­ers feel at home in Brno!

Marija Radojičič

You are the best! I learned about the Cen­ter from my friends and then I attend­ed Czech cours­es at var­i­ous lev­els. The will­ing­ness and approach of the lec­tur­ers were always per­fect. My greet­ings to the best lec­tur­ers, Radim and Diana.

Marina Stefaniani

Excel­lent Cen­ter! It helps to every­one who was “for­eign” at the begin­ning. It quick­ly trans­forms them into peo­ple who feel as if they were born here.  The Cen­ter gives the best and nicest of what Czech cul­ture has to offer.

Eva Svobodová

I worked at the Cen­ter as a vol­un­teer. I must give cred­it to the excel­lent orga­ni­za­tion­al team and mod­ern facil­i­ties in the cen­ter of Brno. It was my plea­sure to work with you, thanks for a great expe­ri­ence!

Julie Hančíková

I felt wel­come at the Cen­ter for For­eign­ers and it enriched me. Thanks to the cours­es and lessons I felt a grow­ing con­fi­dence regard­ing my knowl­edge of Czech lan­guage, and my knowl­edge of Czech cul­ture grew deep­er; I have also met peo­ple from all over the world.  

Svitlana Denysova

Thanks to the Cen­ter and a spe­cial big thank you to Mrs. Ljubov Klok for her sup­port, help in study­ing the lan­guage and assis­tance with offi­cial doc­u­ments for unit­ing the fam­i­ly.  Thanks to you, our fam­i­ly is back togeth­er!


Excel­lent Cen­ter for the sup­port of for­eign­ers, bril­liant and kind­heart­ed peo­ple; they helped us a lot. Thank you!

Julija Dajanova

I want to thank you for the fact that there is a place where a for­eign­er can come with­out any fear and receive answers to almost any ques­tion, because sup­port is cru­cial in the dif­fi­cult peri­od of mov­ing to a dif­fer­ent coun­try!

Yury Zvizdaruk

Thanks to the pleas­ant teach­ers who like to teach us in the form of games, we immersed our­selves in the dif­fi­cult Czech lan­guage. I myself taught med­i­ta­tion here as part of the com­mu­ni­ty activ­i­ties. I am glad that every­thing is free for us.  

Elvira Likhtina

I would love to thank you for all the work at the Cen­tre for For­eign­ers in Brno. Your work and help with the inte­gra­tion is price­less.

Lilija Stupnikova

Our first steps in the Czech Repub­lic were sim­pler thanks to you. Thank you for resolv­ing all of the prob­lems I came to you with and for the Czech lan­guage course. Your work is extreme­ly ben­e­fi­cial and impor­tant. A big thank you also goes to Lju­ba!