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Technical Writing Workshop

23.1.2020 17:00–19:00, Mezírka 1, 6th floor, community room

FREE Essay Wri­ting Workshop!
30 spo­ts are avai­la­ble for this workshop!

Join to con­ti­nue the workshop series on how to structu­re a research-based essay in Eng­lish!

The thi­rd workshop inclu­des infor­mati­on on cre­a­ting a conclusi­on paragra­ph, edi­ting drafts, and for­mat­ting pages using MLA. Grow your con­fi­den­ce in wri­ting Eng­lish essa­ys for aca­de­mic and/or pro­fes­si­o­nal pur­po­ses!

This series is based off lite­ra­tu­re (spe­ci­fi­cally, the short sto­ry, the Paper Menage­rie). Ple­a­se join the Goo­gle Clas­sro­om (class code: rvnuiq4) for access to the short sto­ry.

This series is for indi­vi­du­als who have a mini­mum of B2 in Eng­lish.

Cait­lin is  loo­king for­ward to see­ing you!
Regis­trati­on is possi­ble on this site below:

Registrace probíhá od 23. 1. 2020 17:00


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