
coordinator: Soňa Kuderová

coordinator: Julie Onufer



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Open Czech language lesson: Fashion

  • The course is for nonEU citizens.
  • The course is for everyone who has at least A1 proficiency.
  • The course is not for complete beginners.
  • The course is structured through the form of conversations and group activities based on a selected topic (e.g., travelling, shopping, at the doctor’s, ecology, etc.)
  • You must register for each lesson.

Topic: Fashion

Do you shop your clothes in normal stores or online? What are your favorite brands? Is
fashion important, and is it true that “clothes make the man”?

Projekt „Provoz Centra pro cizince Jihomoravského kraje 2023-2025“, reg. č. CZ.12.01.02/00/23_008/0000010.

Basic information

Date: 10. 10. 2023

učebna U2.3 (2. patro)
Kounicova 13, Brno

Registration is open from 3. 10. 2023 11:27 until 8. 10. 2023 0:00


Fill out the form in Latin letters.

Please pick the level accoarding to your knowledge.

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