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Czech Language Course for Parents with Children – Non-Slavic, Slavic

We are starting a Czech online course for parents with children on 10 October 2022. 

End of registration: 31 October 2022.



The classes will be online through Zoom.

A0  Tuesday + Thursday: 9:30-10:15 (complete beginners)

A0+  Tuesday + Thursday: 10:30-11:15 (minimum knowledge of 3 lessons from the Krok za Krokem textbook)

A1  Friday: 9:30-11:15 (minimum knowledge of 12 lessons from Krok za Krokem textbook)


Classes will take place through Google Meet.

A0 Monday + Friday: 9:00-9:45 (complete beginners)

A1 Monday + Friday: 10:00-10:45 (minimum knowledge of 12 lessons from Krok za Krokem textbook)

Projekt „Provoz centra pro cizince JMK 2022-2023“, reg. č. AMIF/31/02, je financován Evropskou unií v rámci národního programu Azylového, migračního a integračního fondu a rozpočtu Ministerstva vnitra České republiky.

Registration is open from 16. 9. 2022 17:00 until 18. 10. 2022 17:00


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