We are Adding New Czech Courses for Children – Spring 2022.
Dear clients,
we would like to inform you that we will add new Czech courses for your children. The courses are intended for children and youth from 5 to 15 years of age and it is designed in a playful manner.
course duration: February 2022 – May 2022
format: Courses will take place in the Centre for Foreigners at Mezírka 1
The courses are free of charge, they are paid from projects by the European Union, the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic and the South Moravian Regional Office
Slavic preschoolers 5-7 years old, TUESDAY + THURSDAY, 16:00-17:30
Non-Slavic, lower secondary school (2. stupeň) 11-15 years old – beginners, TUESDAY, 16:00-17:30
- Non-Slavic, lower secondary school (2. stupeň) 11-15 years old – intermediate, TUESDAY: 14:40-16:00.
You can find the registration lower on this page. We will contact you within 10 days.
In case of question, you can contact our coordinator at fischerova.monika@jmk.cz
Registration is open from 7. 2. 2022 15:00